13. septembar 2023 18:26

Brnabic receives Sarrazin

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic receives Sarrazin


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met with the German government's special Western Balkans envoy Manuel Sarrazin on Wednesday to discuss Serbia-Germany bilateral relations and the situation in the region.

She noted that the partnership between the two countries was making progress and that this was also confirmed by the fact Germany was Serbia's leading external trade partner, the government press service said in a statement.

She noted that cooperation in the region was a strategic commitment of Serbia that was not only aimed at economic development of the region but also an idea of connecting and uniting the region and bringing it close to the EU, and added that Serbia sincerely supported the Berlin Process initiative.

Sarrazin noted the significance of further steps towards establishing a common regional market and said he expected the results of the Berlin Process initiative to enable the creation of a more prosperous environment and produce concrete benefits for people living in the region.

Speaking about the present situation in Kosovo-Metohija, Brnabic noted Serbia's commitment to maintaining peace and stability and said Belgrade expected full implementation of signed agreements.

She stressed the significance of a soonest possible establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and added that she expected support that would enable lasting stability in the region through implementation of existing agreements.

Sarrazin agreed that Belgrade-Pristina dialogue was a foundation for further discussion and progress.

The meeting was also attended by German Ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad, the statement also said.