25. septembar 2023 14:49

Post of Serbia: Banjska post office has halted operations after being stormed by ethnic Albanian terrorists

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Post of Serbia: Banjska post office has halted operations after being stormed by ethnic Albanian terrorists

Foto: AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

BELGRADE - The Post of Serbia said on Monday its post office in Banjska, a village in the north of Kosovo-Metohija, had halted operations after being stormed by ethnic Albanian terrorists last night and sustaining extensive material damage in the incident.

In a statement, the company said the terrorists had damaged its property and stolen equipment from the post office.

"By that act of vandalism, the ethnic Albanian terrorists have not only led to a temporary suspension of the provision of postal services to Banjska but, inspired by the irresponsible and dangerous policy of Albin Kurti, consciously and deliberately continued an intimidation of everyone who is a Serb and a destruction of everything that is Serbian in Kosovo-Metohija and a hampering of the unobstructed movement, work and everyday life of all those who oppose the unreasonable policy of the Pristina interim authorities," the statement said.