20. decembar 2023 11:49

Brnabic: It was clear opposition was preparing protests

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Brnabic: It was clear opposition was preparing protests


BELGRADE - Throughout the electoral campaign, it was completely clear that the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition was preparing protests, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday.

"They did not talk about what they would do or what they will do for the citizens of Belgrade or citizens across Serbia, for our people. On the contrary, their campaign focused only on hatred for Aleksandar Vucic, and on hurting him personally as much as possible and insulting his family to get him off balance somehow," Brnabic told Pink TV.

She said a part of the opposition was trying to come to power through a street revolution.

"We have said that, at any time, if the voice of the people is such that someone else has their trust, we will congratulate them and become the opposition. Serbia's stability is the most important, and the most important thing is to listen to our people," Brnabic noted.