5. februar 2024 17:56

Serbia submits request for extraordinary UNSC session over Kosovo-Metohija

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Serbia submits request for extraordinary UNSC session over Kosovo-Metohija


NEW YORK - Serbia's Ambassador to the UN Nemanja Stevanovic submitted on Monday a request by the Republic of Serbia to call an extraordinary UNSC session over the situation in Kosovo-Metohija.

Stevanovic submitted the request to the political adviser of the Guyanese mission to the UN.

Guyana is presiding over the UNSC.

Among other matters, the request highlights the current situation in the territory of Kosovo-Metohija and with regards to Kosovo-Metohija, and says it is sharply contrary to the UN Charter and UNSCR 1244/1999 and that its nature requires the holding of a special UNSC session.

The request is in line with Article 35 of the UN Charter and Article 3 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council (S/96/Rev.7), the document notes.

It says a culmination of long-lasting, well-planned and systemic actions by the so-called Kosovo Albanian leadership is underway in the UN-administered territory - a part of the Republic of Serbia under the UN Charter, other rules of international law and UNSCR 1244 - in order to intentionally subject Serbs to unbearable living conditions.