9. februar 2024 12:17

Brnabic: Thursday's UNSC session historic, truth about Kosovo-Metohija was heard

Autor: Tanjug


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Brnabic: Thursday's UNSC session historic, truth about Kosovo-Metohija was heard


BELGRADE - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said Thursday's UN Security Council session on Kosovo-Metohija was historic and that, during Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's speech, the world had heard the truth about the plight of Serbs in the province.

"Not only did the global public hear again about the plight of Serbs and other non-Albanians in the territory of Kosovo-Metohija, but it also heard for the first time, from the president of Serbia, clear arguments and evidence that what Albin Kurti and the provisional self-government institutions in Pristina are doing is a crime against humanity," Brnabic told the RTS, referring to a series of planned, systemic moves by Pristina that have culminated in a ban on the Serbian dinar in Kosovo-Metohija.

She said Pristina was creating unbearable living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija and causing "irreparable harm" to their survival, and noted that this was a "crime against humanity."