1. decembar 2022 19:04

Dacic: Pristina sabotaging efforts for compromise


podeli vest

Dacic: Pristina sabotaging efforts for compromise

Foto: Tanjug video

LODZ - Serbia remains committed to peace and stability in the region, but a solution to the Kosovo-Metohija issue must be reached through compromise, Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said in an address at the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Lodz, Poland, on Thursday.

He said Pristina was doing everything to sabotage a compromise solution and that the Southeast Europe region was burdened by accumulated unsolved problems.

A particular reason for concern is the fact that ethnic Albanian politicians in Kosovo-Metohija are not only rejecting Belgrade's good will and commitment to dialogue, but also appeals from the EU and the international community, he said.

By making a problem out of vehicle licence plates, Pristina wanted to avoid its obligations such as establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, Dacic said.

He said the so-called Kosovo was continuing to pressure the non-Albanian community, especially Serbs, with the ultimate aim of expelling non-Albanians from the province.

Pristina's attempts to politicise the Ukraine war to portray itself as the victim and accomplish its political goals are disgusting, Dacic also said.