20. mart 2024 18:47

Mali receives delegation of investors

Autor: Tanjug


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Mali receives delegation of investors


BELGRADE - Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali announced on Wednesday he had met with a delegation of foreign investors led by representatives of the Bank of America Cooperation, who manage investments worth over 12 tln dollars.

"They are on a visit to the Western Balkan region and interested in our macroeconomic performance, possibilities and prospects, and we owe them gratitude for showing interest in Serbian bonds," Mali wrote in an Instagram post.

As a result of hard work over the past decade, Serbia is on the investors' map, he added.

"By investing in our state securities, institutional investors show confidence that our country will continue to grow and develop, that it is promising for investments and that it is a country that deserves their attention," Mali wrote.

He added that positive signals that Serbia would formally be granted investment-grade rating represented major wind in the country's sails because that was a level recognised to Serbia by investors for a long time now and one the country deserved and would justify.

"They agree that, by all parameters, Serbia is already a country with investment-grade rating, even though we are working hard to achieve that officially, too. That will accelerate investments, help open new factories and create jobs and boost the image of our country further," Mali added.

He noted that last year's FDI inflow of 4.5 bln euros was another confirmation Serbia was on the right track.

"Our commitment to the European path has never been questioned, we proceed with further reforms in a determined manner and we expect to keep breaking economic records," Mali added.