4. novembar 2024 12:23
Turkulov: Patients injured in Novi Sad accident remain in severe condition
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Foto: Tanjug video
NOVI SAD - Three patients who sustained serious injuries in Friday's roof overhang collapse at the Novi Sad railway station remain in severe condition and doctors are doing everything they can in the fight for their lives, Vojvodina Clinical Centre Director Vesna Turkulov told Tanjug on Monday.
"The patients remain in very severe condition. They are still unstable. Doctors at the Clinical Centre are making every effort, a very large team of experts is here, we are fighting for their lives and diagnostics is constantly underway," Turkulov said, noting that the patients were being monitored round the clock and remained on ventilators.
"By saying diagnostics, I am primarily referring to scanners, due to potential internal bleeding. That is the most important," she said.
"Bleeding and contusions of all internal tissues and organs - not internal traumas - is what poses the biggest threat to them," Turkulov said.
Doctors have refused to give a prognosis due to the severity of the patients' condition.