4. septembar 2024 14:40

Vucic: I would go to K Mitrovica if international forces allowed me to

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Vucic: I would go to K Mitrovica if international forces allowed me to


TEKERIS - It is not true that Serbian institutions are not functioning in Kosovo-Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday, noting that the two main sectors - health care and education - were functional.

Speaking to reporters in the village of Tekeris during a visit to the Podrinje region in western Serbia, Vucic said he would visit Kosovska Mitrovica "as early as tomorrow" if international forces in the province allowed him to.

"Going there is not a matter of my choice but of their decision," Vucic said, adding that he would visit not only Kosovska Mitrovica but all Serb villages and neighbourhoods in Kosovo-Metohija.

He said he was very saddened and unhappy over developments in Kosovo-Metohija and the fact someone "does not want peace."

"I do not want to give them a chance to take part in an expulsion and pogrom of our population," Vucic said.