18. oktobar 2024 12:26

Petkovic meets with UNMIK head

Autor: Tanjug


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Petkovic meets with UNMIK head


BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic met with UNMIK head Caroline Ziadeh on Friday to discuss the political and security situation in Kosovo-Metohija and an October 30 UN Security Council session on a report on the work of UNMIK, the UN Mission in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija.

Noting that UNMIK played an indispensable role in the province when it comes preservation of peace, security and protection of human rights, Petkovic said he expected international organisations and institutions on the ground to fulfil the tasks from their mandates to create conditions in which attacks on Serbs would not be possible, let alone tolerated.

Warning that the safety and security of Serbs was in serious jeopardy on the ground, Petkovic said the UN secretary-general's upcoming report on the work of UNMIK would be substantial for understanding the current situation in Kosovo-Metohija and the impossible living conditions for Serbs in the province, while assessing all facts and the circumstances that have led to that, the Office for Kosovo-Metohija said in a statement.

At the same time, Petkovic informed Ziadeh of the latest developments in Serbia's southern province, noting that unilateral, illegal and escalatory moves by Pristina were aimed at creating unbearable living conditions for the Serbs and threatened to lead to their complete expulsion from Kosovo-Metohija.

"That indicates Albin Kurti's clear intent to establish an ethnically clean Kosovo-Metohija and lead to its full Albanisation through forced closure of Serb institutions, violence, terror and daily pressures," Petkovic noted.

He also conveyed Belgrade's firm commitment to preserve peace and stability in Kosovo-Metohija and the region, as well as its determination to persevere in its respect of international rules and norms.

"Primarily, that implies respect of UNSCR 1244 and documents that are in force, which must be respected and implemented," Petkovic concluded.