29. novembar 2022 12:16

Vucic meets with Serbian students in Trondheim

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Vucic meets with Serbian students in Trondheim


TRONDHEIM - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Serbian students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim on Tuesday.

He said Serbia would need experts in renewable energy sources in the future. "We lack young people who are keeping up with the times, we will need experts in renewables who will be doing the job in a way that is different from the way we have been doing it so far," Vucic said.

We are unable to do it like the Norwegians, who are the leaders in this field, and that is why we have established cooperation with Norway, he said.

Once we implement the results of that cooperation, we will need to adapt our education system accordingly, he said. Vucic spoke with five Serbian students, who are studying IT, renewable energy sources and other fields.

Vucic toured the NTNU premises and laboratories and took part in the production of a battery, which involved the use of leading-edge technology.

Vucic will also visit the SINTEF Institute and the Siemens Battery Lab plant. He is also scheduled to meet with Trondheim Mayor Rita Ottervik and visit the Nidaros Cathedral.

Vucic will then attend a working lunch hosted for him by Ottervik. Trondheim, a major university and scientific centre, is home to around 44,000 students and has a large science and technology centre and a campus.