29. novembar 2022 13:26

Brnabic meets with RATP DEV representatives in Paris

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Brnabic meets with RATP DEV representatives in Paris


PARIS - Serbian PM Ana Brnabic met on Tuesday in Paris with representatives of RATP DEV, a company to take part in a project to build a Belgrade metro system.

Brnabic spoke with the company's Executive Director Hibe Fares and Development Director Jean-Luc Chapoton and the meeting was also attended by Serbian Ambassador to France Natasa Maric.

In June 2022, RATP DEV signed a MoU with the Belgrade Metro enterprise. Brnabic met with the company's representatives after a working breakfast with OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann and a meeting with representatives of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence initiative.