15. oktobar 2024 16:57

Petkovic: Pristina continues to breach all agreements

Autor: Tanjug


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Petkovic: Pristina continues to breach all agreements


BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday Pristina continued to breach all agreements and that those in Pristina who were violating all EU-guaranteed agreements on a daily basis were now brazen enough to attack Belgrade with a made-up narrative about violations of an agreement on integrated management of administrative crossings.

But that is out of the question, Petkovic said in a statement released by the Office.

On several occasions, Belgrade has publicly pointed out and documented the undeniable fact that Pristina is an undependable and inconsistent partner in dialogue and that it uses deceptions, spins, false accusations and staged scandals to cover up its own misdeeds and crimes, which is again unequivocally the case, Petkovic said.

Pristina is the one that has been breaching the agreement on integrated management of crossings, having denied entry of Serbian goods to the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo-Metohija for almost 500 days, thereby blocking movement of goods as one of the fundamental achievements of the agreement, he said.

"Even after purportedly unblocking the Merdare crossing, Pristina brutally continues to violate all possible agreements as it is holding up more than 100 trucks with goods at the crossing, hiding behind made-up and absurd procedures, in front of the eyes of the international community," Petkovic noted.

There is a long list of agreements Pristina is breaching on a daily basis, starting with the fact that, for more than 11 years, it has been refusing to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities - instead, it has embarked on illegal, forced closures of Serbian institutions in Kosovo-Metohija, which should be the foundation for establishing the Community, Petkovic noted.