7. novembar 2023 12:19

Vucic receives Azerbaijani FM

Autor: Tanjug


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Vucic receives Azerbaijani FM


BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday received Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov, expressing special gratitude to Azerbaijan for its unequivocal position on Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Vucic and Bayramov were pleased to note that bilateral relations were on a very high level and based on traditionally friendly ties, mutual trust and commitment to respect of the fundamental principles of international law, the presidential press office said in a statement.

Conveying to Vucic the regards of Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev, Bayramov expressed respect for Serbia's independent foreign policy as well as for its excellent economic results.

They also discussed bilateral economic cooperation and said launching scheduled flights between Belgrade and Baku would definitely contribute to it.

Vucic and Bayramov also discussed the energy situation.

Vucic said that Serbia, by building a natural gas interconnector with Bulgaria, was becoming a part of the Southern Gas Corridor and that a contract on purchases of Azerbaijani gas would help it attain energy security.

Vucic said he hoped Aliyev would pay a visit to Serbia to mark the completion of works on the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector.

A Council on Serbia-Azerbaijan Strategic Partnership would also meet on the occasion to provide new opportunities for achieving key common interests of the two countries, the statement said.