28. novembar 2022 17:11

Vucic: Discussions in Oslo addressed Kosovo-Metohija, energy


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Vucic: Discussions in Oslo addressed Kosovo-Metohija, energy


OSLO - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday in Oslo his meetings with Norwegian officials had addressed the Kosovo-Metohija issue as well as bilateral relations as a matter of priority, in particular in the energy sector, where he noted Serbia must make significant progress, potentially also with Norwegian help.

"We discussed all important topics, for us the Kosovo-Metohija issue is of enormous significance," Vucic said in a statement to reporters.

He said the latest discussions on the issue and their results, as well as a need to preserve peace and stability, had been addressed at the meetings.

"As usual, I did not shift the blame to the other side, but I tried to point out how much more trust is needed to discuss the future in a different manner. They will continue to watch the process," Vucic said, adding that Norway was also interested in the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Minister of (Mining and Energy) Dubravka Djedovic had her discussions, and this evening we will have a conference with companies and advisers interested in helping or in investing in our country. Among my discussion partners, I saw enormous interest in solving energy problems not only in Norway but in Europe and the Western Balkans, and we discussed ways to solve problems in the region together," Vucic said.

The problems have to do with how to ensure progress and major investments and invest in renewables to have cleaner water and cleaner air, he said.

"That is not a matter of one day but years that are ahead of us," Vucic noted, adding that hydro power plants and other resources must be built to boost the renewable energy sector in Serbia.

That is why Norway is extremely important for us, he said, adding that Norway's Rystad Energy was "the best team in the world".

He said a study on the development of Serbia's energy sector had been completed and that the Norwegian side had offered three solutions that all implied major changes at public enterprises.