29. novembar 2023 18:04

Arrested Kosovo Serb released on bail

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Arrested Kosovo Serb released on bail

Foto: Shutterstock.com/PredragLasica, ilustracija

LEPOSAVIC - Kosovo Serb Goran Savic, who was arrested by the Pristina authorities almost three months ago, was released on bail on Wednesday and will stand trial as a free man, his lawyer told Tanjug.

"He was released and will stand trial as a free man after his family gathered the money and posted bail," Milos Delevic said, adding that his client, who was arrested on charges of bribery and abuse of office, had denied any wrongdoing.

Savic, a former officer of the so-called Kosovo Police, was detained on September 8 in Leposavic based on a court ruling from 2021.