6. mart 2023 18:44

Arrested Kosovo Serb released pending ruling - lawyer

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Arrested Kosovo Serb released pending ruling - lawyer

Foto: Shutterstock.com/Proxima Studio, ilustracija

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Kosovo Serb Miljan Adzic, who was arrested by Pristina's police on December 9 for an alleged attack on an official person, has been released pending a ruling, his lawyer Milos Delevic told Tanjug on Monday.

Delevic added that Adzic, a resident of Zvecan, northern Kosovo-Metohija, had been released from a detention unit in Podujevo on a 20,000 euro bail.

His release was one of the conditions for the dismantling of barricades in northern Kosovo-Metohija late last year.

Adzic is charged with allegedly attacking a police officer during an October 2021 protest.

The Serbian Office for Kosovo-Metohija last week submitted government guarantees to EULEX, requesting that Adzic and another detailed Serb, Sladjan Trajkovic, be released pending rulings in their cases.