10. april 2023 13:57

Serbian delegation to attend IMF-WBG Spring Meetings

Autor: Tanjug


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Serbian delegation to attend IMF-WBG Spring Meetings


BELGRADE- A Serbian delegation headed by National Bank of Serbia (NBS) Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic, who is also Serbia's governor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), will attend the Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group (WBG) in Washington on April 10–16.

"The delegation will hold a number of bilateral meetings with the management and representatives of these two institutions as part of further cooperation and support to maintaining Serbia’s macroeconomic and financial stability and advancing the structural reform agenda," the NBS announced in a statement.

The delegation will also attend a meeting of the Swiss Constituency, which Serbia is a part of, as well as "a closed meeting that the director of the IMF European Department holds with CESEE governors and ministers of finance to discuss economic prospects and challenges for Europe in the coming period," it said.

"Our delegation will also meet with a large number of investors with a view to presenting Serbia’s results, improved business environment and economic potential.

At a session devoted to emerging markets within JP Morgan’s investor conference, our representatives will set out Serbia’s economic and monetary prospects," the central bank also said.