18. jul 2023 11:39

Belgrade's delegation arrives in Brussels, dialogue with Pristina to resume on Wednesday

Autor: Tanjug


podeli vest

Belgrade's delegation arrives in Brussels, dialogue with Pristina to resume on Wednesday


BRUSSELS - Belgrade's delegation headed by the director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic has arrived in Brussels for Wednesday's new round of the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina at technical level, Tanjug learns.

While in Brussels, Petkovic will meet with Pristina's chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi.

A source in Brussels confirmed to Tanjug last week the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak had invited the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina to come to Brussels to discuss the implementation of an agreement on the path to normalisation of relations.